Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here we are, preparing for the second annual reunion for the 187 Airborne Infantry Regiment Signal Platoon from 1956 - 1958.

This year the reunion will be held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina we will arrive there October 5th 2009 and depart for home again on October 9, 2009.

We will stay at the Island Vista Resort located at 6000 North Ocean Blvd. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Reservation number is 1-800-548-0767 and our group identification is 101st Airborne Platoon Group.

Since our reunion in 2008 we have located three more members of the old signal platoon:Robert W. Hall from Baldwin Park, CA.--- Elbert E. Mullin (Gene) from Mannford, OK. --- William L. Schake from Butler, PA. We welcome all the new found members and hope to have you join us at the next reunion in October 2009.

Photos: From Days of Old and Our first and second reunions go to the link below:

We once again had a great time sharing and enjoying Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Those in attendance for the second reunion were: Al Lessman, Duane Tinnes, Ottis Cato, Claudio Aragon, Jesse Underwood, John Darby, Tony Guilbeault, Richard Paulson, Gene Beck, Tony Flis, Bill Kronen, Wally Duffin, and Fernando Villafranca also in attendance was a few of our brothers wives, Beth Lessman, Marion Paulson, Grace Beck, Joan Underwood and Marie Cato.

We have decided that the reunion for 2010 will be in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Duane Tinnes will get things set up there, The dates will be the first week in October Monday the 4th thru Friday the 8th.We are hoping to see everybody there, and I am sure we will find a lot of things todo.

Dick Paulson has accumulating pictures and as he gets them we will update the site listed above to include all the pictures from both reunions as well as some old time ones from the 50's.

Any questions about the reunion can be addressed to

Duane Tinnes at duanetinnes@q.com or 303-841-3252 , 7974 E Robin Rd. Parker, CO. 80138

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On October 6,7,8 2008 Members of the 2nd Airborne Battle Group of the 187 Airborne Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division Signal Platoon from 1956 to 1958 had it's first reunion. It was fifty years since we had gotten together. The Reunion was held at Clarksville, TN. at Fort Campbell Kentucky. There were 15 of the 51 members of our platoon present for this reunion, so far we have located 21 members of the platoon that are living and nine members who are deceased, Our plan is to continue to search for more members and to have our second reunion in October 2009 in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Those who attended the first reunion were as Follows:

Wally Duffin, Jimmy Wolke, Dick Paulson, Al Lessman, Gene Beck, Gil Bass, Jesse Underwood, Ottis Cato, Fernando Villafranca, Claudio Aragon, Bill Kronen, Duane Tinnes, Jerry Johnson, Tony Flis and John Darby.

Those members who have been located but were unable to attend the first reunion were as follows:

Edward York, Antonio Guilbeault, Adrian Greenwald, Paul Brennan JR, Robert Spiess, and Ralph Gift.

Those members who are deceased are as follows:

Roland Baatz, George Barber, Jerry Case, Edward Devine, Bernard Gossner, Thomas Heath, George Maurer, Melvin Oberholtzer, Leroy Titman, Don Arbuckle.

To see "Reunion Photos" From 2008 Reunion click on link below


Minutes From The 50th 187 Signal Platoon Reunion:

187th Airborne 50th Reunion Website: www.187airborne.blogspot.com
Farewell Meeting
Ft. Campbell, Kentucky
October 9, 2008

Wally Duffin, Jimmy Wolke, Tony Flis, Dick and Marion Paulson, Al and Beth Lessman, Gene and Grace Beck, Gil Bass and Joan Root, Jesse and Joan Underwood, Ottis and Marie Cato, Fernando Villafranca, Bill and Patti Kronen, Duane Tinnes, Jerry Johnson, John Darby, Claudio Aragon.

Meeting Called to Order at 9:30 by Duane Tinnes.

Certificates - Duane presented the following certificates:
· Jump Contest – This was a challenge sent by Bill Kronen over the Internet to all Bill Kronen won the Jump Contest Certificate.
· Company Roster – This certificate was presented to Al and Beth Lessman for their extensive research on the MOS records.
· You Name Them, We Find Them Certificate – This certificate was presented to Jesse and Joan Underwood for finding information about the most Platoon members.
· Search Them Out Achievement – This certificate was presented to Dick Paulson for initiating this Reunion “Project” and finding the Platoon members.

Expenses of Reunion
· Duane announced that the costs of the shirts, hats, cups, and hotel meeting room came to $54 for each individual Platoon member. Please pay Duane or Claudio.

Process of Beginnings of Reunion
· Dick Paulson stated that 51 men were likely in the Platoon. 21 have been found alive, 9 are deceased, 15 came to this Reunion. Edward York was unable to attend and Ralph Gift declined the invitation.
· Bill Kronen called Dick Paulson. Then Bill found Al Lessman. Then they found Duane when they realized that the “Genie was out of the Bottle.” From that point, these members decided to look for as many as they could find of the Platoon.

Remembering Deceased Members
· Bill Kronen publically remembered 9 known deceased members of the Platoon:
o Bernard J. Gossner
o Roland Baatz
o George R. Barber
o Edward J. (Andy) Devine
o George Maurer
o Thomas A. Heath
o Melvin Titman
o Melvin Oberholtzer
o Jerry Case
o Don Arbuckle (Jimmy Wolke added him as he said he knew he was deceased)
· Bill added the names members who they presume are deceased because of military records:
o James H. Franklin
o Thomas Dunkin
o John R. Robinson
· Present Platoon Members told brief stories of remembrance for lost Platoon Members
· Moment of Silence for lost Platoon Members

Remembering “Good Times” in the Army
· A discussion followed with present Platoon Members reminiscing about the good and bad times they shared together .
· Anyone should feel free to post any later remembered stories on the Website Blog.

Finding More Brothers Who Served with the Platoon
· Dick Paulson shared places where he looked for Platoon Member’s names such as the websites that are in the materials passed out to each member, websites about Veterans’ Walls, prison lists, etc. He urged all to continue looking for anyone in the Platoon list not accounted for.

Future Reunions
· It was decided to make this a yearly Reunion. Next year it will be held in Myrtle Beach and the group will tour Ft. Bragg. Ottis and Marie Cato volunteered to coordinate next year’s Reunion. The dates will be October 6 – 8, 2009.

Flowers to the Women
· Duane presented all the women with a bouquet of flowers, and they were greatly appreciated.

Meeting adjourned 10:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Root

Sunday, August 24, 2008

All things are set for the reunion, October 6,7,8,9 in Clarksville TN. We have done a good job locating members of our old Signal Platoon from 1956-1958, Those found are.

Al Lessman, (OK) Bill Kronen (Canada) Gene Beck (TX) Gil Bass (NY)
Jimmy Wolke (OH) Jerry Johnson (CA) Jesse Underwood (MO)
Ottis Cato (NC) Richard Paulson (MD) Tony Flis (CA) Wally Duffin (MI)
John Darby (TX) Fernando Villafranca (TX) Edward (Tony) York (SC)
Tony Guilbeault (FL) Claudio Aragon (CO) Adrian Greenwald (IL)
Duane Tinnes (CO) Paul Brennan (FL) Robert Spiess (ND) and Ralph Gift (PA)

Information On the Motel:
We have made arrangements for our stay at a Quality Inn (exit 4) 3095 Wilma Rudolph Blvd In Clarksville, TN. Phone number 931-648-4848 and our Group Number is 76969 under 187th Airborne Signal Platoon.

The rooms are $79.00 per night plus taxes, and we do have a meeting room reserved for the 7th from 5:00 PM until 10:00 PM and from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM on the 8th and 9th. The cost of the meeting room will be equally shared by all.

Questions, Suggestions or Comments:
If you have any idea or questions about this upcoming event please contact either
Duane Tinnes 303-841-3252, e mail duanetinnes@q.com
Richard Paulson 410-745-2060 e mail richard.w.paulson@earthlink.net


To see the collection of "Platoon Photos" from Years Gone By Click the link below